If you are not yet a member of our gym, then you agree to the rules, regulations and understand there is an assumption of risk by continuing to enter the gym, whether you intend to participate in gym activities or observe gym activities. Furthermore, you agree to sign our standard release agreement prior to observing or participating in gym activities and you knowingly and willfully do so of your own free will an accord.
Class ends by lining up in descending rank. Be humble and treat everyone with respect.
Wear shoes at all times in all areas, except the mats. When ready to enter the matted area, please place shoes on the designated area. Do not wear any jewelry or metal while training or wear any clothing with metal such as zippers.
If you show up late, please try to pick up where the class is. It is not fair to the other students if the instructor has to take away time from them to repeat the instructions.
Please listen quietly when coaches are giving instruction, but don’t be afraid to ask questions. Be open-minded and learn from the students who have more experience.
If your partner taps or you even think they might have tapped, stop applying the submission. There is no reason to risk an injury. In Jiu-Jitsu, tap early and tap often. Injury is your enemy!
Please be aware of what moves/submissions are legal for your skill level. If you are unsure, ask the professor before attempting. We do not want anyone to get injured because of a position they don’t understand.
After you have been around for a while, be a good role model and help new teammates. Remember how tough it can be when you’re the new person so be a good mentor and help those with less experience.
Please be sure to take all of your belongings when you leave the gym (i.e. gear, mouthpiece, clothes, water bottles, etc.) All items left behind could be discarded without notice.
If you are a member of the gym, please be sure to have all the proper equipment needed for the classes you attend.
If you use any of the gym loaner equipment, please return them to the proper location. All students share the responsibility of keeping the Academy safe and clean.
Students must always show respect to all peers and instructors. Treat everyone with respect. Please do not arrive late to class or leave early. If you must, obtain permission from your instructor first.
Students must remain quiet and attentive in class and not engage in idle, unnecessary chatter. This is of particular importance when the Professor is speaking or demonstrating a technique.
If you are seeking to take a second class on the same day, you must first ask for the Professor’s permission.
Students must wear a complete Gi with jacket, pants and belt at all times. No-Gi classes require an appropriate uniform with rashguard displaying the student’s current rank.
Students are not allowed on the mat area in street attire during any class sessions. Hats, outdoor shoes, or jewelry are prohibited in the mat area. The Academy does not hold itself responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen items.
Obscene language, ill temperament, or discrimination (of any kind) will never be tolerated at the Academy. We are a team. Control your temper at all times while training.
Do not abuse your knowledge of martial arts. Martial arts should only be used to protect yourself and others. If you get into a fight with another student you will be ejected from the gym.
Students must properly wear a clean, odor-free uniform at all times. The uniform must be in peak condition for every class. Professors have the right to deny training if a student’s Gi is unsanitary.
All students must maintain impeccable personal hygiene due to the close-contact nature of the art of Jiu-Jitsu. All students are required to report any injury, health, or skin condition to their instructor prior to class. Any skin condition must be addressed immediately before a class begins.
All students must keep fingernails and toenails short for safety reasons. Footwear/Flip-flops must be worn when off the mats. Skin and temperature checks may be done by the staff to ensure the safety of our students. If anyone is caught training with infections, they will be banned from the academy.
If you bleed on the mat or any other place in the gym, please ask for appropriate cleaning products and clean it up right away. Cover any wounds or cuts with proper bandages.
If you are ill, even if you do not think it is COVID-19, please take a few days off to recover so you do not get anyone else at the gym sick. Please see the COVID-19 policies.
If you notice any skin conditions, please seek medical attention and do not train until it has cleared up to prevent spreading anything at the gym.
If you are a guest, parent or guardian and you are sick do not enter our facility or you will be asked to leave. Visitors must be clean. If you or anyone in your family is sick please DO NOT come to class..